18-21 Jul 2022 Lyon (France)

13th Celtic conference in classics

Since 2000, the Celtic Conferences in Classics have been held in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Quebec and Portugal, but also in France (Rennes and Bordeaux): English and French are the two languages used. The recurrent nature of these events ensures the presence of a significant part of the community of "classicists".

The 13th Celtic conference in classics will take place in Lyon, France, from July 18 to 21, 2022.

According to a well-established practice, various scientific specialties (history, literature, archaeology) will be involved in order to make progress on the one hand, in basic knowledge concerning Antiquity, and on the other hand, in the analysis of the evolution of Antiquity in the later periods.

For further information on the Celtic Conferences in Classics : http://www.celticconferenceinclassics.org/index.php





Save the date

July 18 to 21, 2022 !


Lion bronze


  Brioche pralines


  Vieux Lyon


Mur peint Lyon


  Grande roue Lyon


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